People in Mission International

Our Core Beliefs

People in Mission International is a Latin mission agency
sharing the Gospel among Muslim peoples for 40 years.

Mission Statement

Partner with the Latino evangelical church to establish, extend, and support the Church of Jesus Christ among Muslims through a holistic missionary service.


Our primary purpose is to glorify God and fulfill the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus in a holistic manner. PM International mobilizes, trains, and deploys teams of Latin Americans to contribute to church planting, discipleship, and transformation in the Muslim world.

Vision Statement

To observe the manifestation of God's glory in indigenous churches that facilitate the Kingdom of God's proximity to Muslims by making and serving as disciples of Jesus Christ.

We are committed to

The sending churches.

Cross-cultural adaptation and training.

The long-term ministry.

An integral missionary action.

A servant leadership style.

Making disciples of Jesus and planting churches.

Collaborate with the existing National Church effort and with other organizations.

How do we work?

Mobilizing and training






Jesus said
The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields.